Newborn Jaundice – What I Wish I Knew About Phototherapy

By Carilyn Cannon VP Marketing and Mom of 4

Carilyn has been part of the Healthy Babies, Happy Moms team since 2012.  Although our clients don’t meet her in person, if you follow us on social media, you have been seeing her posts for years. In 2016, Carilyn gave birth to fraternal twin girls. After her experience being readmitted to the hospital when one of her newborn daughters was jaundiced, she felt compelled to share her story with other moms and moms-to-be.

When I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child, I was thrilled. As an experienced mom with a 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter, I was feeling prepared. Famous last words, right? That feeling went right out the window at my 12 week ultrasound when I got the shock of a lifetime – we were having twins! I was happy, and excited, and overwhelmed, and felt so many different emotions. I instantly felt like a first time mom all over again. This was a whole new ball game.

I was incredibly lucky that the 3 of us were healthy and made it to 38 weeks before the girls arrived. Two minutes apart, weighing 7lbs 2oz and 6lbs 9oz, Kate and Keira were born and I was a mom of 4. Just like there is a learning curve when you become a mom, there is another learning curve when you become a twin mom. Some things came naturally, like scooping up 2 newborns to hold in my arms, while others, including breastfeeding twins, took more help and practice. My husband and I were getting the hang of things and were excited to bring our girls home and have our whole family together. We were told at discharge that one of our daughters, Kate,  had a  bilirubin level that was “borderline” but we were sent home with a pediatrician appointment scheduled for the next morning.


The next few days were tough.  Even with an incredible amount of help and support from my husband, family, and friends, caring for newborn twins, a toddler, and a preschooler while recovering from childbirth was a challenge. I was fortunate to have an easy delivery, but this was by far my hardest recovery. Because I was induced, I had a lot of swelling in my legs for about 2 weeks that made walking very uncomfortable. I also had severe Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation) which made it hard to get around (especially getting out of the house carrying 2 baby seats and getting a double stroller in and out of the trunk). Going to the pediatrician’s office filled me with anxiety. In addition to the physical burden, the girls were eating one after another. Due to a tongue tie, we couldn’t quite master breastfeeding at the same time. My routine was change, feed, and burb baby #1, then change, feed, and burp baby #2. By the time I was done, it was time to start again with baby #1. There was literally always a hungry newborn to feed, so just the thought of leaving the house and getting to an appointment on time was exhausting and stressful. And as every mom knows, getting diapers, wipes, hats, blankets, and everything packed to go out even for a short trip is quite a process. In addition to all that, this was my first time dealing with a health concern for one of my babies. I was constantly worried about Kate’s jaundice. For a couple of days her levels were not great, but not in the danger zone.  However, we were going to daily doctor appointments to get blood drawn in order to keep a close eye on it. Then, four days after coming home, Kate’s bilirubin level spiked and we received a phone call that she needed to be readmitted to the hospital immediately so she could receive phototherapy.   

I was super nervous because I know that jaundice can be extremely dangerous, so we quickly made a plan and rushed to the hospital. Kate, her twin sister, and my mom came with me to stay in the hospital. My husband stayed home with our older 2 kids. It was heartbreaking to leave them when we had just got home a few days before. They were worried for their new baby sister and missed their mom. Thankfully, after 24 hours Kate’s bili level was in a safe range and we were able to go home.

Fast forward about 6 months, and I was getting back to work after being on maternity leave. Kathy, the Founder & CEO of Healthy Babies, Happy Moms, and I were updating the company website and other marketing material when I saw a photo of the Infant Home Phototherapy service for the first time - and my jaw hit the desk. Seeing this baby in a cozy, portable phototherapy bed and reading everything that was included with the service - daily blood draws, weight checks, communication with pediatrician, even support with breastfeeding - all from home! WHY, WHY, WHY didn’t I do this?

Now I do have to mention that of course while learning how to breastfeed twins I was talking to Kathy frequently, so she knew of Kate’s jaundice and reminded me of the home phototherapy if we were to need it. But when I got that call from the doctor that Kate’s bilirubin had spiked and we needed to get to the hospital immediately, I was scared, overwhelmed, and exhausted.  I didn’t stop to consider other options. I wish I had. I wish I had seen the photo and remembered it. Most of all, I wish my doctor had suggested it. Having the level of care that Healthy Babies, Happy Moms provides in the convenience of my home would have been SO much easier for my entire family. Eliminating all of the trips to the pediatrician’s office for bilirubin checks and instead having a nurse come to us would have made a world of difference for me and my own recovery. So yes, I love working for this company and I truly believe in the work done by our amazing team of nurses. But that is not why I’m sharing my story. I am sharing my story as a mom. A mom who would have greatly benefited from knowing more about Infant Home Phototherapy, and a mom who wants other moms to know that this incredible service is available. I want to shout it from the mountaintops so every mom in Rhode Island and MA knows this is an option! So please, tell your friends, sisters, co-workers, and most importantly your doctors - because this service is a lifesaver in more ways than one!

For more information on Healthy Babies, Happy Moms' Infant Home Phototherapy click here.